mentoring OMB 2010

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Kuis (1) mentoring

  1. Sebutkan salah satu visi dan misi Satya Wacana yang paling sesuai dengan karakter anda ? Sebutkan alasannya?
  2. Bagaimana visi dan misi Satya Wacana?
  3. Apa saja prestasi yang pernah diraih Satya Wacana mulai tahun 1956-2010?(min.5)
  4. Apa arti Satya Wacana?
  5. Apa motto dari Satya Wacana dan bagaimana menurut anda mengenai motto tersebut?
  6. Jelaskan 2 motivasi diselenggarakannya Uksw?
  7. Sebutkan dan jelaskan beberapa implementasi dari visi dan misi Uksw?

Nb: dikumpul pada pertemuan berikutnya Minggu 26 September 2010, dalam bentuk hardcopy(di print atau tulis tangan).

Thx and Gbu all

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Feeling Words

1.       Buoyant: that can float or continue to float.
2.       Brisk : quick,active,busy. (weather) cold but pleasently fresh.
3.       Contented: showing or feeling happiness or satisfaction.
4.       Calm: not exited,nervous or troubled;quiet.
5.       Complacent:showing calm feeling or satifactionwith oneself,one’s work.
6.       Comfortable:allowing one to relax pleasantly.
7.       Cheerful:in a good mood; happy.
8.       Cheery: lively and cheerful;
9.       Carefree:without responsibility or worries.
10.   Ecstatic: very exited and enthusiastic.
11.   Enthuasiastic:feeling or showing enthusiasm.
12.   Excited:feeling or showing eagerness and enthusiasm.
13.   Exhilarating:very exiting;cause happiness.
14.   Elated:very happy;exited;or proud
15.   Festive:suittable for festival;bright and cheerful.
16.   Glad:pleased;delighted;willing eager to do sth.
17.   Grateful:feeling or showing thanks and gratitudefor sth good doneto one or for something fortunate that has happened.
18.   Generous: giving or ready to give freely.
19.   Giddy: having the feeling that everything is turnig around and that one is going to fall.
20.   Hilarious: very funny.
21.   Inspired; having execellent qualities,abilities or creative power.
22.   Joyous:showing or causing of great happiness or pleasure.
23.   Jolly: happy and cheerful.
24.   Jubilant:feeling or showing great happiness and pride,asp for success.
25.   Light-hearted:not serious; amuzing or entertaining. Without cares and cheerful.
26.   Marry:to combine something or to be combined with sth else that success.
27.   Optimistic :expectising in the best;confident.
28.   Playful:fond of playing;ful of fun.
29.   Peaceful: not involving war or violence;quiet and calm.
30.   Pleased: to do sth happy;feeling or showing pelasure or satisfaction.
31.   Relaxed : not feeling or showing anxiety or tension;calm or rested.
32.   Restful : givinng a relaxed peaceful feeling
33.   Satisfied: feeling or showing satisfaction: that has achieved sth
34.   Serene:calm adn peaceful
35.   Surprised:
36.   Spirited:having a mood or state of mind specified;lively;forceful
37.   Sparkling:shining with flashes light;lively.
38.   Silly: not showing thought or understanding;foolish;seeming rudiculous
39.   Thrilled:very pleased or excited
40.   Vivacious: (asp of a woman) having or showing a lively attractive personality

1.       Ashamed: feeling shame or embarrassment about sth/sbor because one’s own actions.
2.       Blah:useless or bpting talk: talk of no importance
3.       Concerned:worried;trouble
4.       Compassionate:showing or feeling compassion(pity for the sufferingsof other; making onewant to help them)
5.       Choked up: upset,angry
6.       Depressed:sad and without enthusiasm or hope
7.       Dismal:causing or showing sadness and miserable;gloomy
8.       Dreadful:very bad or unpleasant
9.       Dreary:that makes one sad or depressed;gloomy
10.   Dull:lacking interest or exicetement; boring
11.   Discontented:not satisfied
12.   Discouraged:to take away sb’s confidence or sb’hope of doing sth.
13.   Disappointed:sad or not pleased because
14.   Embarrassed:shy,awkward or guility feelings
15.   Flat:spread out on one level in a straight position;extremly tired.
16.   Gloomy:nearly dark;not well lit;making sb feel sad and depressed.
17.   Heavy-hearted: sad
18.   In the dumps:depressed and feeling unhappy
19.   Ill at ease: uncomfortable; embrrassment
20.   Low: not extending far upwards
21.   Moody:having moods that change quickly; bad-tempered or deprressed and likely to show this.
22.   Melancholy: deep sadness that lasts for a long tim; depression
23.   Mournful:showing mourn(to feel or show sorrow or regret for the loss sth/sb or for sb’s death)
24.   Out of sorts: to separate things of one type,class,etc
25.   Quiet:not very;fairly
26.   Sorrowful: showing or feeling sorrow(a feeling of sadness or distress caused esp by loss,dissappointment or regret)
27.   Somber:dark in colour; dull and gloomy
28.   Sullen: silent;bad tempered and gloomy
29.   Sulky: to spoil or lower the valueof sb reputation
30.   Sympathetic: showing or resulting from sympathy
31.   Shameful: that should make sb feel shame(a feeling of distress and regeret as a result of one’s own wrong doing, failure, foolish behavior, etc)
32.   Unhappy: sad or misarable, not happy
33.   Useless:not fulfilling the intended purpose
34.   Vacant: not filled or occupied; empty;showing no sign of thoughht or intellegience; blank
35.   Weepy:sad and tending to cry easily
36.   Worthless: Having no value or use
1.       Anxious:feeling worried or nervous
2.       Ardent:very enthusiastic or passionate about sth
3.       Avid: enthusiastic;keen
4.       Desirous: to wish for sth;want sth
5.       Earnest:intensly serious or sincere
6.       Enthusiastic: feeling or showing enthusiasm.
7.       Excited: feeling or showing eagerness and enthusiasm.
8.       Intent: intention;purpose
9.       Keen: interested in sb/sth
10.   Proud:feeling or showing pride; feeling that one is better or more
11.   Zealous:full of zeal(great energy or enthusiasm)

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How to Become Expert in IT


  1. How to become a programming expert
The primary requirements for being good programmer are nothing more than a good memoty, an attention to detail, a logical mind and the ability to work through a problem in a methodical manner breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
However ,it is not enough just to turn up for a job interview with a logical mind as your sole employer will want to see some sort of formal qualification and a proven track record. But if you can show someone in impressive piece of software with your name on it,it will count for a lot more than a string of academic qualifications.
So what specific skills are employers looking for? The window market is booming and there’s a demand for good C,C++,delphi,Java,and Visual Basic Developers. Avoid older language such as FORTRAN and COBOL unless you want to work as a contract programmer.
For someone starting out, my best advice would be subscribe to the programming magazines such as Microsoft System Journal. Get one or two af low-cost students’ edition of C++,Visual Basic and Delphi. Get decent book on windows programming. If you decide programming is really for you,spend more money on a training course.

  1. How to become an IT Manager
IT managers manage projects, technology and people. Any largee organization will have at least one IT Manager responsible for ensuring that everyone who actually needs a PC has one on that it work properly. This means taking responsibility for the maintenance of servers and the istallation of new software, and for staffing a help –desk and support group.
Medium to large companies are also likely to have an IT systems manager. They are responsible for developing and implementing computer software that support the operations of the bussiness. They’re responsible are multiple development projeccts and over see the implementation and support of the systems. Companies will have two or three major system taht probably bought of the self and thenn alored by an in-house development team.
A part frfom basic hardware and software expertise, an IT manager are typically have over five years experience in the industry. Most are between 30 and 45. Since IT managers have to take responsibility for budgets and for staff, employers look for both of these factors in any potential recruit.
Nearly of IT managers have at least a first degree if not a second one as well. Interestingly, many of them don’t have degrees in computing science. In any case, the best qualification for becoming a manager is experience. If you personality is such that you’re unlikely to be asked to take responsibility for a small team or project, they can forget being an IT manager. You need to be bright, communicative and beable to earn the trust of your teams. Most of this can’t be taught, so if you don’t have these skills then divert your career elsewhere.

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Keyakinan dan Ideal-ideal Uksw

Para pendiri berkeyakinan dan berharap bahwa melalui universitas yang didirikan dan diselenggarakannya itu ada hal-hal yang ideal atau yang baik dan mulia yang dapat dihasilkan. Keyakinan dan ideal-ideal tersebut secara ringkas terungkap didalam nama yang diberikan untuknya, yaitu “Satya Wacana”, dan motto  : “Takut akan Tuhan adalah Permulaan Segala Pengetahuan”.
1.      Nama
Satya Wacana artinya ialah “setia” kepada “Firman Tuhan”, yaitu kehendak dan hukum-hukum Tuhan,sebagaimana dinyatakan didalam alkitab. Dengan demikian, keberadaan dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh universitas ini diyakini dan dimaksudkan sebagai perwujudan dari prinsip-prinsip atau kaidah-kaidah yang bersumberkan dari Firman Tuhan. Dalam hal ini Pendiri SW percaya dan menyadari, bahwa iman kristen itu mempunyai relevansi untuk semua aspek atau bidang kehidupan, sehingga harus dijadikan dasar bagi, dan diterapkan kedalam, semua aspek atau bidang kehidupan yang ada, termasuk bidang pendidikan tinggi.
Keberadaan dan kegiatan-kegiatan SW baik akademik maupun nonakademik, harus didasarkan dan mengacu kepada Firman Tuhan, dan tidak boleh bertentangan dengannya.
2.      Motto
Motto Satya Wacana adalah Takut akan Tuhan adalah Permulaan Segala Pengetahuan(Amsal 1:7a). Motto tersebut mengungkapkan keyakinan para pendiri SW, bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan universitas yang merupakan tempat untuk menyalurkan dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan, segala sesuatu harus ditundukkan dibawah kehendak Tuhan, karena Tuhan diakui sebagai Sumber dan Pemberi Segala Ilmu Pengetahuan. Motto itu pada satu pihak berfungsi sebagai pengawas agar apa yang dilakukan tidak menyimpang atau melanggar hukum-hukum Tuhan, dan pada pihak yang lain menjadi pengarah agar yang dilakukan itu merupakan perwujudan dari apa yang dituntut oleh Tuhan itu.
3.      Motivasi, Visi, Misi
Motivasi ialah alasan dan tujuan dilakukannya perbuatan. Ada 2 (dua) hal pokok yang menjadi motivasi didirikannya SW, yaitu (i). Religius-keimanan. Untuk mewujudkan keyakinan bahwa iman harus diterpakan kedalam semua bidang pendidikan tinggi. Dan (ii) sosial kemasyarakatan, untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam memperoleh pendidikan tingkat universitas.
Visi SW ialah menjadi universitas yang bermutu dan tempat pembinaan cendekiawan yang mahir dalam ilmunya, tinggi pengabdiannya, taat kepada imannya.
Misi SW ialah menyelenggrakan pendidikan, pengajaran, penelitian, dan pengabdian yang bermutu serta relevan dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan sesama, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara,sesuai dengan tuntutan iman.
4.      Beberapa contoh implementasi Visi dan Misi
a.       Beriman
-          Matakuliah wajib agama dan etika
-          Kebaktian setiap hari senin pagi
-          Berbagai kegiatan kerohanian yang diselenggarakan oleh Campus Ministry
b.      Bermutu
-          Akreditasi : mengusahakan tercapainya jenjag tertinggi, hasilnya sekarang ini
-          Kerjasama dengan univeritas-univeristas luar negeri.
-          Dosen
i.                    Meningkatkan mutu perkuliahan dengan meningktakan latar belakang pendidikan dosen melalui studi lanjut dan kegiatan ilmiah lainnya. Dari ... pengajar,... orang S2,... orang S3,.... orang Profesor.
ii.                  Mewajibkan penulisan dan penerbitan berbagai karya tulis ilmiah bagi dosen.
iii.                Mewajibkan dosen melakukan penelitian ilmiah.
-          Mahasiswa
i.                    Memberikan matrikulasi mata kuliah tertentu bagi mahasiswa baru
ii.                  Mengikutsertakan mahasiswa dalam berbagai penelitian
iii.                Mendorong diselenggarakannya berbagai diskusi, seminar keilmuan.
iv.                Mengadakan lomba karya ilmiah.
-          Pembinaan kepemimpinan.
-          Pengabdian Masyarakat.

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